Australian Embassy
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Km 4, Thadeua Road, Watnak (P.O. Box 292)

The Australian Embassy in Vientiane offers a comprehensive range of services to Australian citizens, administers the Australian development assistance program to Laos, provides support to Australian businesses, and manages the formal bilateral relationship between Australia and Laos.

For the latest travel advice and other information for Australians in Laos, please see our Services for Australians page.

Our phone system is experiencing issues at the moment, but we expect it to be fixed very soon. In the meantime, please email us and we will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible. 

General email: [email protected]
Visas and Immigration: please visit the Australian Embassy in Thailand website
Consular and notarial services: [email protected]
Australian Passports: [email protected]


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone signed the Laos-Australia Comprehensive Partnership

On 6 March, Prime Minister Albanese and HE Mr Sonexay Siphandone, Prime Minister of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, signed an agreement elevating ties between Australia and Laos to a Comprehensive Partnership. 

Australia is proud to be one of Laos’ longest-standing partners, a relationship built on mutual respect, understanding and close cooperation.

The Australia-Laos Comprehensive Partnership will drive bilateral cooperation across four pillars, reflecting our shared priorities for the future: People, education and human resource development; Economics, trade and investment; Climate, environment and energy; and Defence and law enforcement.  (read more: English)




Closer to Home: Australian support makes dialysis accessible for thousands in Lao PDR

"It was difficult for patients to travel for [dialysis] treatment, especially due to the costs involved. Patients had to go to Vientiane, Khammouan province, other provinces, and even overseas,” says Dr. Sonephet Keoindavong, a specialist at Bolikhamxay Provincial Hospital, as he recalls the limited access to dialysis for his community. (read more: English)




 Immersive digital experience arrives in Laos

Her Excellency Megan Jones, Australian Ambassador to the Lao PDR, was joined by Lao Government officials, Ambassadors, development partners and local organisations at the launch of the immersive digital experience Walking through a Songline at Lab de Lines in Vientiane. (read more: English; Lao)




8th Australia-Lao PDR Human Rights Dialogue

Australia and the Lao PDR held the 8th bilateral Human Rights Dialogue (the Dialogue) in Canberra on 23 November 2023. 

The broad representation from ministries and departments on both sides supported open and productive discussion on a range of human rights issues including civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights; engagement with international mechanisms; and bilateral and regional cooperation. The Dialogue deepened mutual understanding of each country’s human rights progress and challenges (read more: English; Lao)




 Disability: focus on ability

Growing up visually impaired, Aikeo understands how difficult it can be for people with disability to overcome barriers and constraints in everyday life. He and his two brothers were born blind in a rural village of Lamam district, Sekong province. His parents saw the discrimination facing their three children. “They were born with blind because of bad karma from a previous life. There is no need for the family to support their treatment” said by some of the community members where he and his family lived.  (read more English & Lao HERE)






 Investing in Teacher Development: A Strengthened   Partnership Between the Governments of Australia and   Lao PDR

According to a new report, the Australian Government’s flagship education program in Lao PDR, BEQUAL, has had a positive impact on teaching quality, improved literacy and increased student engagement.... (read more: English or Lao)







Australia Delivers Humanitarian Relief Supplies for Emergency Response in Lao PDR

On Monday 21 August, H.E. Paul Kelly, Australian Ambassador to the Lao PDR, handed over 13 tonnes of humanitarian relief supplies to Mr Leepao Yang, Vice Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, at Wattay International Airport.... (read more)

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Australia and Southeast Asia: invested in our shared economic future

By Nicholas Moore AO, Australia’s Special Envoy for Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is one of the fastest-growing global regions and will be home to one of the most dramatic economic transformations of the 21st century. Throughout the region, population growth, increasing large and affluent middle classes, and urbanisation trends will create growing demand for a wider range of goods, services and skills (Read more: English; Lao)


 Australia’s International Development Policy

 Profound challenges continue to reshape our world, testing our collective   resolve. Australia’s International Development Policy is centred on listening,   respect and genuine partnership. It will guide how Australia’s development   program supports a peaceful, stable, and prosperous future for Australia and   our region...(Read more)


Op-ed: Laos, Southeast Asia and Australia: opportunities for shared economic prosperity

Australia is deepening our economic engagement with Southeast Asia. 

As Special Envoy for Southeast Asia appointed by Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, I am leading the development of the Australian Government’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040. (Read more)





 Visit of Australia's Special Envoy for Southeast Asia to the Lao PDR

The Special Envoy will visit Vientiane from 11 to 13 July as part of his regional consultations to help guide the development of the Southeast Asia Economic Strategy. (Read more)










Joint media release with: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research

H.E. Paul Kelly, the Australian Ambassador to Lao PDR, attended the opening of the Nam Pok Fishway in Vang Vieng District, Lao PDR today. The Nam Pok Fishway will provide local communities with technical solutions to restore declining fisheries and reconnect healthy waterways. It is also expected to increase the fishing income of up to 468 families and help preserve over 100 local fish species. (Read more)





Visit to Laos by Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs builds friendship and cooperation

Australia’s Foreign Minister, Penny Wong travelled to Vientiane, Laos. The visit from 15-16 May, followed the successful visit to Australia by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Saleumxay Kommasith in October last year. (Read more: English or Lao)







Laos and Australia Partner on Sustainable Energy

On 15 May, Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong, joined Laos’ Minister of Energy and Mines, H.E. Mr Phosay Sayasone to sign the Memorandum of Subsidiary Arrangement for LASEP. The signing was witnessed by Laos’ Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, H.E. Saleumxay Kommasith. (Read more: English or Lao)







Study in Australia
Business Envoy. Insights into the Australian Government\'s trade and investment agenda